Road Trip: Boston, here we come! – The Flourishing Abode

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Greetings from the land of Dunkin Donuts, crazy traffic, lobsters and rocky beaches – we’re in New England!

I simply love road trips. And this one is especially exciting for a couple reasons – first of all, we are getting to see both my family in Pennsylvania, and my husband’s family in Rhode Island, as well as many other friends along the way! But the other exciting thing is that this trip is hopefully the prelude to a more permanent type of road trip: moving!

We are hoping and praying to be able to move to Boston soon. This week we are here for my husband to work on his job hunting – he is looking for a new chemical engineering job in the Boston area. I am sooooo excited!!

I love going to a new area, and I am especially enthusiastic about Boston. While I was growing up, we moved around a lot, living in the north, the south, even Europe for a couple of years. Since Tim and I have been married, we’ve only lived in the south – first in Tennessee and currently in Kentucky. And both were lovely, but we’re also ready to be moving back up north.

The trip itself has been a lot of fun – being in the car together for hours gives lots of opportunities for talking as a family, singing loudly, playing car games and just enjoying being together. I always loved road trips when I was a kid, and it is fun now to enjoy it with my own family.

We’ve even been making some road trip videos on this trip, some of which might become vlogs here. Beware that there might be some general goofiness. 🙂

Here is something that we might do a road trip vlog about – and I’d love to incorporate some of your thoughts or comments you might have into our video:

What are your favorite road trip activities and games?
Let us know and you might get a shout out in an upcoming vlog! 🙂

Leave your thoughts and comments below, I love to hear from you!


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