bible – The Flourishing Abode

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So, we’re back on an every-other-week schedule for the Truth & Evidences series, currently looking at some various things that in existence, and discussing their origin – such as the origin of life, the origin of the physical universe … and next, the origin of morality. My sister-in-law made an interesting point the other day. […]

Also posted in truth and evidences

Well, our timeline has definitely been a little different in Boston than I had expected, but I did mention wanting to start back up the Truth & Evidences series during October … and, hey, there are a couple hours left. 🙂 Since its been a couple months since I took a break from the series […]

Also posted in truth and evidences

Today is my husband Tim’s birthday. Marriage as God designed it is a beautiful thing. Our marriage is far from perfect, certainly, but this life is a journey and I am glad that he is the one I spend it with and that we can grow, work, love and laugh together everyday. I’m so thankful […]

Also posted in art, love, printables

If I were to tell you I had a letter from a man in prison, who had not committed the crime he was imprisoned for, who had been mistreated and abused, who had no wife or children to comfort him, who just found out that people he should have been able to count on were […]

Also posted in seek the things above

Crumbs or feasting? Well, it depends on the setting. It is so easy in our society to get caught up in the material things. More money, more things, bigger houses, newer stuff. And yet, when we get all that, are we happy? If we put more effort into our house than into our home, our […]

Also posted in family, love, printables, seek the things above

I just love the following verse. It’s been awhile since I’ve made any more verse printables, and the principle of this verse is something that we, as a family, have been talking about lately, so I decided to make it into a printable. Plus, I’ve been wanting to tell you about the “Family Improvement Game”, […]

Also posted in family, love, printables, seek the things above

Usually on Wednesdays, I’ve been writing a series on Truth & Evidences, but I’m going to have to postpone that until the beginning of October. Until then, on Wednesdays I’ll probably offer some new Bible verse printables. But first I wanted to be sure and invite any of you who may be in the Boston […]

Posted in bible

I almost started off by referencing “last week’s post” … but since I’m now on the every-other-week schedule for Wednesdays while we are in the process of moving, I guess it was actually two weeks ago! Anyway, in the previous post from this Truth & Evidences series we talked about the problems of where life […]

Also posted in truth and evidences

We’ve talked before in the Truth and Evidences series about how anything at all could have come into existence. Today, in particular, we’re going to be looking at the first life. My dad still has my fourth grade science book. It is a clear example of how scientists try to break the rules of science […]

Also posted in truth and evidences

Do any of you check out NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day? I remember discovering it several years ago – it’s really pretty neat. All the images/video I’ll be using in this post are from there, used with permission. You can click any image to go to the NASA page – you might just enjoy […]

Also posted in truth and evidences


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