FAQ’s – The Flourishing Abode

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Have a question? Please drop me a note!

“Did you do your blog design yourself? Do you do blog design for others?”
Thanks! Yes, I did my own blog design. I am doing a tutorial series on how to do your own blog design, so you might enjoy checking that out: DIY Blog Design series. I take design projects on a limited basis, so if you are interested in hiring me to work with you on your blog design, please feel free to drop me a note at aprilstarr at flourishcafe dot com. 🙂

“Can I use your content (text/images) on my blog?” I am extremely honored when people spread the word about my site on their blogs! However, since my content and images are lovingly made by me, except where noted, solely for TheFlourishingAbode and FlourishCafe, to use any of my content I have the following requirements: – credit and links are clearly given back to my original post. – please don’t copy entire posts.

– please don’t take more than one image for your site without written permission. (email me) The one exception is Pinterest – please feel free to pin my photos to Pinterest, as long as they link back to my blog.

– please don’t put the link to download my printables on your blog/site – I work hard on my printables, and make them free for anyone to print, but please realize that the access to my work must be on my own blog only.

Thank you for understanding. 🙂

“How can I get in touch with you?” You can always leave a comment, for one thing! Comments are like candy to a blogger – I love to hear from you. And I usually respond to your comments, too. But there are other ways to get in touch with me, too, and I’m tickled to hear from you:

Email: aprilstarr@flourishcafe.com

Twitter: twitter.com/FlourishCafe
Facebook: facebook.com/FlourishCafe
Pinterest: pinterest.com/FlourishCafe
Etsy: send a convo

“What’s the deal with the different subscription methods?”
If you would like to keep up with The Flourishing Abode, there are a couple way to subscribe. One is to subscribe via e-mail … just put your email address there in the box, confirm your subscription when you receive the confirmation email, and you’ll receive a handy email in your inbox when a new blog post goes up. The second option is to subscribe by RSS … this means that you can add my blog to your reader. For instance, if you use Google Reader (or another type of reader), just click my RSS link, then choose which reader you use, and you’ll see updates from my blog in your reader. These two options are in my sidebar to the right, but I’ve also included them here, below- just choose whichever option works best for you, so we can keep in touch! 🙂


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