So, the Hack-a-Week challenge only has this week and next week left and it will be finished – wow, 8 weeks can go by so fast! Anyway, for the hack challenge, I had you vote and choose what the challenge would be. But for the next challenge, I’ve already gotten a new challenge lined up – and I’m very excited about it! Plus, I am thinking that it is something that a lot of people will find helpful. But … since we have a little time before it starts, I thought it would be fun to play a little guessing game. I’ll give you a few clues below, and I’ll be curious to see if you can guess what the next challenge will be! 🙂
Clue #1: It involves having one reader as a volunteer in the challenge.
Clue #2: It will be a series of tutorials on something that many of you are involved in doing.
Clue #3: It is something I enjoy … and the fact that I enjoy it probably makes me a geek … and I am fine with that. 🙂
Clue #4: It is a project that you don’t necessarily need any physical items to do. (It would be possible to use a camera in the project, but you wouldn’t have to necessarily. The camera picture is just there to look mysterious and question-marky)
Clue #5: It is a makeover of some sort.
Leave your thoughts and guesses below! I’ll be officially announcing the answer next week, Lord willing!
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