Challenge: An Adventure a Week

Yep, it’s cabin fever season! And so I’m starting a new challenge – an adventure a week. My four year old daughter drew an adorable valentine card for me with a picture on it of us driving in the car. I asked her what it was a picture of, and she said “You and me going on adventures!” She often talks about how much she loves our “adventures”, and I realized that we haven’t been have enough of those lately. And especially this time of year we are itching to be getting back outside again! So I told her today … Read more


Moving Sale! Vintage finds & the Print-of-the-Month

So, as many of you know, we are trying to move to Boston! As you also may know, besides my art prints I also sell some vintage items in my shop as well. What you probably DON’T know, is that I have a huuuuge inventory of vintage stuff – much more than is in my shop – and I do NOT want to move it all to Boston! So … the number of vintage items in my shop has been growing – and I want to have a sale on all vintage items in my shop: 30% off all vintage … Read more


Hack Challenge: Week 3! DIY Hanging Planter

It’s week 3 of the hack challenge! And I must admit, it was a close call this week to get a project done.But, ta da, here it is! 185Save I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to get any project finished for this week’s post done while we are out of town … I had a back up plan in mind, but I’m glad I didn’t have to use it because I wasn’t terribly thrilled about. Fortunately, my sister in law up here in New England was having a craft night at her house this week, and I realized it … Read more


Sketchbook Tour 2012: Surrounded by Stories

I’m very excited about a project I’m involved in this year – Art House Co-op’s 2012 Sketchbook Tour! Basically, it’s like a music tour, but with art instead of music. Many artists are sending in sketchbooks to the project, and then all of our sketchbooks are going on tour around the country, visiting various major cities where anyone can come and browse through them and enjoy the artwork. My little sketchbook will be going along for the ride! I was able to choose from a variety of offered “themes” for my sketchbook … I went with the theme “Fill me with … Read more


Seek the things above: Want vs. Need

Well, I’ll be perfectly honest – I’m going to be stepping on my own toes for this week’s “Seek the things above” post. It’s about want vs. need. I wish I had more of the attitude expressed here in Proverbs 30: give me only what I NEED. I’m more fond of wants and comforts than I wish I was. And, sure, many people in our society wouldn’t look at my life and call it the most luxurious. We don’t make tons of money by US standards. But is that really the standard? Compared to many countries today and throughout history, … Read more


DIY Planters from Light Fixture Globes

I simply love re-purposing items! I had lightly touched on these planters I made awhile back, upcycled from old light fixture globes, but I wanted to revist it and let you know how I made them. (Note: I love coming up with ideas – but I’m never going to claim to be the best gardener, so see my disclaimer at the bottom of the post!) I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the best gardener. I tend to get excited about plants … then forget to water them, and then remember, and drown them. Ack! However, I’ve had some … Read more


Shabby Apple Giveaway! Vintage Inspired Dresses

I have long been a fan of Shabby Apple dresses. Their style is exactly what I love … classic vintage dress styles with a whimsical modern twist, all while keeping it modest. *swoon* So I am completely honored to be able to host a Shabby Apple giveaway .. and tickled for you to get the chance to win something from their beautiful brand. Also, I thought this really ties in nicely with the “Looking good … despite the holidays” series I just started. What a way to kick things off, eh? (People who know me in real life know that when I … Read more


One Item, Multiple Upcycles – Hack Challenge 6!

A couple weeks ago for the Hack-a-Week Challenge, I took the idea of a no-assembly-required hack and posted several ideas on that theme. This week is another multiple idea post, but this time all of the ideas revolve around upcycling the same item: a sign stake. You can pick one up at the hardware store for about a dollar, and ram it into the ground, and use the two coils to hold up a sign (as it is intended to be used) … or you can buy two and think outside the box on how to use them! A couple points … You … Read more


Adventure Challenge: Week 7! DIY Art Rubbings

This week, for our Adventure-a-Week challenge, our adventure doubles as a craft project as well. I was in a used book store one time and saw a book on “rubbings” and it captured my attention, and we gave it a try for this week’s adventure. So grab your art supplies and head outside! 352Save For this week’s activity you will need… – Paper. And plenty of it. I found that I like using very thin paper, personally. I bought a cheap sketchpad and I really liked the texture and thinness of the paper for this project. – Rubbing Materials. There are all sorts … Read more


Seek the things above: Bible verse printables

Well, in continuing the Wednesday “Seek the things above” series, I’ve had a section of free Bible verse printables up near the top of my page for a while now, but I realized I’ve never really mentioned it here in my posts! I just updated it today, changing some things around, and adding some new verses, and I wanted to explain that section – and share them with you in case you haven’t seen it before. 🙂 Deuteronomy 6:5-9 says, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your … Read more
