A happy announcement for our family… – The Flourishing Abode

Yes, we are expecting or second child!! And yes, I am still alive. After almost a year of posting on my blog multiple times every week, even while travelling, or packing, or moving across the country — I suddenly fell off the face of the internet. My last post was at the end of November saying I would be back in a week. Yeaaah, that didn’t happen. There has been a lot of difficult things going on lately, and added on top of that, we just moved into a new apartment, Tim had to start working both an overnight job … Read more


A happy announcement for our family… – The Flourishing Abode

Yes, we are expecting or second child!! And yes, I am still alive. After almost a year of posting on my blog multiple times every week, even while travelling, or packing, or moving across the country — I suddenly fell off the face of the internet. My last post was at the end of November saying I would be back in a week. Yeaaah, that didn’t happen. There has been a lot of difficult things going on lately, and added on top of that, we just moved into a new apartment, Tim had to start working both an overnight job … Read more


A happy announcement for our family… – The Flourishing Abode

Yes, we are expecting or second child!! And yes, I am still alive. After almost a year of posting on my blog multiple times every week, even while travelling, or packing, or moving across the country — I suddenly fell off the face of the internet. My last post was at the end of November saying I would be back in a week. Yeaaah, that didn’t happen. There has been a lot of difficult things going on lately, and added on top of that, we just moved into a new apartment, Tim had to start working both an overnight job … Read more


Questions – The Flourishing Abode

Do you ever feel like you have so many activities going on in your life and so many possessions that they’re getting in the way of doing what you really want to do – and what you really need to do?  Do you ever feel like you’re putting in a lot of effort – but for what purpose? I made this typography photograph recently, and it describes what I have been doing.  I have been working on getting rid of activities and things that just suffocate from what is really important What is your purpose in life? What is most … Read more


Huzzah! Free 2012 resolutions printable – The Flourishing Abode

Well, the FlourishCafe birthday celebration continues with a free printable!  I actually opened shop last year on New Year’s Day, which is a common day to start things, resolve things, set new goals – a day for beginnings. Chances are, you set some resolutions 4 days ago this year as well.  How are they coming? How will you be doing on them at the end of the month? What about in July?  Often, New Year resolutions get dropped almost as fast as a porcupine mistaken for a pillow. I heard it said recently that written goals are the real goals- … Read more


Truth & evidences series: Is there absolute truth? – The Flourishing Abode

Thanks for all the comments on last week’s “truth and evidences” post! I really enjoy and appreciate your feedback, thoughts and responses. 🙂 So, last week we talked about how truth itself is not a matter of faith, but rather our faith should be based on what we learn to be the truth. This week I want to pose these two questions to consider: Does absolute truth even exist? Aren’t we just supposed to be open minded and tolerant? First: Does absolute truth even exist? This is something which in our society today seems to be highly questioned. Is there … Read more


“To Live is Christ”: Philippians Study at the Boston Library – The Flourishing Abode

I wanted to let any of you in the Boston area know about the Bible study series that I am very excited about coming up on October 20th at the Boston Public Library on Copley Square … below is the PDF with all the details. The theme is “To Live is Christ”, and we’re going to be studying the book of Philippians, which is such an encouraging book of the Bible. There are going to be a couple different speakers, and I am very much looking forward to it. All are invited! We would love to see you there – … Read more


Starting back up the “Truth & Evidences” Series – The Flourishing Abode

Well, our timeline has definitely been a little different in Boston than I had expected, but I did mention wanting to start back up the Truth & Evidences series during October … and, hey, there are a couple hours left. 🙂 Since its been a couple months since I took a break from the series during the craziness of moving, this post will just be a recap, and then I’ll plan to continue this series every other Wednesday, Lord willing, as we were doing earlier. The topic of this series of posts is a discussion of whether there is actual … Read more


Truth and Evidences: Every effect has a cause – The Flourishing Abode

Well, so far in the truth and evidences series we’ve discussed that truth exists, and that we can’t dismiss truth as just being a matter of faith. We’ve also talked about that if truth exists, then it’s opposite is false – and since different worldviews have contradicting claims, then they can’t all be true. And last week we talked about the difference between disagreeing with a viewpoint because of a lack of foundation for it, verses disagreeing with a viewpoint simply because it is not convenient. So far we largely been establishing the nature of truth, but haven’t really been … Read more


Tomato Cream Sauce Recipe – The Flourishing Abode

I was at a restaurant a while back and I ordered an omelet – it came with a rich and creamy tomato sauce on top and plenty of fresh basil. I looooved it! The omelet was good too, but the sauce was spectacular, so I went home and experimented to make this recipe to be served on pasta instead – a thick and creamy tomato sauce. My family loves it, and it is so easy to make! Unlike regular marinara sauce which often needs to cook for a long time to get a good depth of flavor, this sauce develops … Read more
