What’s your best marketing tip? Get featured! – The Flourishing Abode

I’ve been working on the final post of the Creative Biz Challenge on marketing for today – but I’ve just realized there is no way I’m going to be able to get it all finished in time and be able to do any sort of justice to the subject! So I’m going to postpone that post until Monday, Lord willing, and work on having it done for then. BUT in the meantime, I thought this would be fun to do … share your ideas, and I might include your tips and give a shout-out to your shop in my post … Read more


Un-Recipe Apple Pie + the Best Crust EVER – The Flourishing Abode

I don’t know who came up with the phrase “simple as pie”. Does that mean as simple as it is to make pie .. or as simple as it is to eat pie? Because the former is definitely not always easy … largely because of the fact that pie involves pie crust. However, my friend Lindsey recently made some *amazing* pie crust that has absolutely changed my view on crusts. For one thing, pastry is usually finicky and you have to be really careful on how you handle it. But this was SO low maintenance, easy to roll out and … Read more


Join us in Boston for Bible Study! – The Flourishing Abode

Usually on Wednesdays, I’ve been writing a series on Truth & Evidences, but I’m going to have to postpone that until the beginning of October. Until then, on Wednesdays I’ll probably offer some new Bible verse printables. But first I wanted to be sure and invite any of you who may be in the Boston area to come to Bible study – there is a small group meeting in the Union Gym and anyone is welcome to come! We are not part of any denomination, we are just a group of local Christians trying to follow the Bible, and to … Read more


Join us in Boston for Bible Study! – The Flourishing Abode

Usually on Wednesdays, I’ve been writing a series on Truth & Evidences, but I’m going to have to postpone that until the beginning of October. Until then, on Wednesdays I’ll probably offer some new Bible verse printables. But first I wanted to be sure and invite any of you who may be in the Boston area to come to Bible study – there is a small group meeting in the Union Gym and anyone is welcome to come! We are not part of any denomination, we are just a group of local Christians trying to follow the Bible, and to … Read more


Interact! 7 blog layout tips to engage your reader – The Flourishing Abode

Why is it that we blog? Why not just write in a journal? The specific answers may vary, but in the end it all comes down to the audience – the readers. Maybe you want to make people laugh, maybe you want to offer people help, maybe you want to share stories, maybe you want to draw traffic to make money. It’s all variations on a theme: finding readers. Because if we didn’t want readers, we would just write in in a private journal. So when people land on your site, if they are your target readership, you want them … Read more


The Big Reveal! Moving from Blogger to WordPress and Design Tips

This is it! If you’ve been following this 10 week blog redesign series, this is week 9, and it’s time for the big reveal! (As well as a question I am hoping to get your thoughts on … ) I’ve been redesigning Lori’s blog, In My Kitchen, In My Life throughout the series and giving tips on how you can get set up with a whole new design of your own as well. Lori already had great content, and this redesign was intended to get her set up on WordPress and give her posts the proper garnish and setting that … Read more


Seek the things above: Lessons from the weekend – The Flourishing Abode

This past weekend was soooo wonderful! I found out (kind of last minute) about a Christian ladies retreat happening just a couple hours away from me, and I so craved to go. A couple friends were coming down from Boston to speak, which is how I heard about it, but I thought I had found out too late and that I couldn’t get in so last minute. Let’s just say there were a bunch of phone calls, a bunch of frantic Facebook messages and emails – and I found out that there was still room! YES! I was super excited, … Read more


Oops, that was dumb… – The Flourishing Abode

Well, tonight I needed to write the next blog post for the every-other-Wednesday series … buuuut I just realized I left my laptop charger at someone’s house. And our other charger is packed somewhere. And my battery is about to die. Oops. Plus we are still getting settled and it’s been almost a week since we’ve had a good night’s sleep. One night we got a full 45 minutes of sleep. Yeaaaah, that doesn’t quite cut it. 😉 So I’m bowing out for today, but I leave you a couple fun quotes our 4 year old said today while we … Read more


Oops, that was dumb… – The Flourishing Abode

Well, tonight I needed to write the next blog post for the every-other-Wednesday series … buuuut I just realized I left my laptop charger at someone’s house. And our other charger is packed somewhere. And my battery is about to die. Oops. Plus we are still getting settled and it’s been almost a week since we’ve had a good night’s sleep. One night we got a full 45 minutes of sleep. Yeaaaah, that doesn’t quite cut it. 😉 So I’m bowing out for today, but I leave you a couple fun quotes our 4 year old said today while we … Read more


Oops, that was dumb… – The Flourishing Abode

Well, tonight I needed to write the next blog post for the every-other-Wednesday series … buuuut I just realized I left my laptop charger at someone’s house. And our other charger is packed somewhere. And my battery is about to die. Oops. Plus we are still getting settled and it’s been almost a week since we’ve had a good night’s sleep. One night we got a full 45 minutes of sleep. Yeaaaah, that doesn’t quite cut it. 😉 So I’m bowing out for today, but I leave you a couple fun quotes our 4 year old said today while we … Read more
